Are You Working Professional and unable to Communicate your Ideas in English???

Master the Art of English Communication skill and Become a Fluent and Confident Speaker.

Influence Your Boss, Colleague, and teammates through leveling up your english speaking skill Join now & get upto 90% off Today !


Hesitate to speaking in English Confidently & Fluently

Struggle to write documents, emails or messages to people in English

Have trouble presenting your thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly at your workplace

Unable to crack interview, promotion or sales call due to a lack of confidenceWhile Speaking

Avoid initiating a conversation with people at the office or social gatherings.

Who want to speak english fluently and confidently

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Here's what you get when you join this Life changing spoken english course by Dr. Savleen Kaur:

Before Course

❌ Hesitation

❌ Grammatical Mistakes

❌ Confidence

❌public speaking Fear

❌ Tenses and sestation formation mistakes

After Course

✅ Increased self-confidence

✅ strong command on English communication

✅ Crack deals. collaborations & personal interactions

✅ persuasive and influential speaker.

What You Learn in this Course ?

Step by step formula to become fluent and confident in English

Course offers a systematic approach or a proven formula to help individuals become fluent and confident in English. It will provide structured guidance and resources to assist learners in their language journey.

Night English habits

Importance of establishing habits and routines in the evening that contribute to English language learning. It include suggestions such as reading English books before bed, listening to English podcasts or audio lessons, or using language-learning apps or online resources to review vocabulary or grammar rules. The emphasis is on incorporating English learning into one's nighttime routine.

Morning English Habits

The Course is highlights the significance of incorporating English learning into morning routines. Suggestions might include starting the day by reading English news articles, listening to English radio or podcasts, practicing speaking with a language partner, or using language-learning apps to reinforce vocabulary. By making English a part of the morning routine, learners can kickstart their day with language learning and practice.

Practice Activities

These activities could include speaking exercises, listening comprehension tasks, writing prompts, or interactive quizzes. The goal is to provide learners with hands-on opportunities to apply their knowledge and improve their language proficiency.


The Course will provide comprehensive information and guidance on English verb tenses. It include explanations of different tenses, examples of their usage, and tips for mastering them effectively. Understanding verb tenses is crucial for accurate and fluent communication in English, and this point promises to address this important aspect of language learning.

Speak English without any Hesitation

Learn systematic approach or roadmap that users can follow to achieve fluency and confidence in the English language. It include strategies for improving vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and overall communication skills. The formula could be broken down into manageable steps, giving users a clear path to follow and track their progress.

Introduce yourself in a proper manner

Get guidance on crafting a concise and impactful self-introduction in English. It would provide tips on selecting key information to include, using appropriate language and tone, and structuring the introduction within the given word limit. The focus would be on helping users create a compelling self-introduction that leaves a positive impression in various contexts, such as job interviews or networking events.

Enroll Now Get
₹ 4995/- BONUSES Absolutely FREE.


Dr. Savleen Kaur

Fluency Coach Certified from London

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Fluent English speakers

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Got job & hike in top notch companies

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Digital Family

Top 100

Top 100 In India's Biggest Reality Show Super Speaker

Awarded by Celebrity

Appreciated by Industry Experts

Appreciated by Industry Experts


Fluency and the path to achieving it

➡️Fluency is the ability to use a language smoothly and effortlessly
➡️To become fluent in English, focus on consistent practice and developing a strong mindset
➡️ Immerse yourself in the language, speak regularly, and don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Laying the foundation for English fluency

➡️Build a solid foundation in English grammar and vocabulary.
➡️Actively engage in conversations with native speakers or fellow learners
➡️ Practice speaking English even in environments where it's not the primary language

Impromptu communication and meeting mastery

➡️Develop quick thinking and improvisation skills to handle impromptu conversations
➡️Prepare well for meetings and interviews, rehearse your speaking points
➡️ Practice projecting confidence and clarity in your communication

Overcoming grammar fear and achieving spoken grammar proficiency

➡️Don't let grammar rules hold you back; focus on mastering spoken grammar for fluency
➡️Learn modern grammar patterns used in everyday conversations, not just formal settings
➡️ Practice using grammar naturally in your speech to gain confidence.

Impressing through RU and layering techniques

➡️RU (Real-time Usage) technique involves using new vocabulary in conversations
➡️Layering technique involves building complex sentences using new words
➡️ Actively expand your vocabulary to express yourself more effectively

Pronunciation hacks for native-like speech

➡️Imitate the pronunciation of native speakers to improve your accent
➡️Practice tongue twisters and other pronunciation exercises to enhance clarity
➡️ Seek feedback from native speakers to identify areas for improvement

25000 + students have Enrolled it & they are now able to Communicate In English Like Pro

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you sign up and enroll, you will get a website link, email id and password on your email id. It might be there in the promotion folder.
After you open, you can login and access the course

You will get all the information regarding the sessions on your email id and whatsapp no.
The videos will be in the portal and you will get the information regarding live doubt and practice sessions on whatsapp

Don’t worry. You will get the recordings and doubt sessions will be conducted again

Savleen mam will personally take your doubt sessions.

Yes all the bonuses and discount is available for a limited time
Hurry up and grab it

Yes 100%. You can access the course from any device- mobile phone or laptop.
You can access 100% from mobile phone

Their is no Refund Policy