Do You Also Want To Learn English in Studies Formula For All Students ?
- 90 Minutes
- Live Session
- Wednesday 23.11.22
- 08:00 PM to 09:30 PM
Topics Covered
- How to be a people person
- How to create a magical first impression?
- Express to Impress
- Learn the art of conversations
- Understand your personality type and find a new version of yourself
Rest topics
Rapport building
Develop leadership qualities
Soft skills
Body language
Dining Étiquettes
Art of being polite
Telephone étiquettes
Rock solid winning mindset
Power of habits
Confidence vbooster checklist
Firstimpression cheat sheet worth
Premium Community group access worth
Regular Price 2099 Sale Price 299 Only/-
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Savleen Kaur
Fluency Coach
Certified from London
Hi I am Savleen Kaur. I am a fluency Coach, English communication skills trainer and a public speaker who is certified from London.
Hi I am Savleen Kaur. I am a fluency Coach, English communication skills trainer and a public speaker who is certified from London.
After training 5000+ students and working professionals,I have realised people are not able to become fluent in English because they don’t have the right direction and I am passionate to give the right direction.
I myself struggled for 7 years. My own story got featured in entrepreneur stories about how a girl who could not speak a single word in English became a successful English communication skills trainer.
So, I am on a mission to make 1 million people fluent, fearless and fantastic speakers.
I want you to join me on this mission so that I can help you in the best possible manner